


The team of Semizbai-U LLP is a team of professionals, which is a key link and an important resource in achieving the strategic objectives facing the Partnership, the basis of success and the key to its sustainable development in the future.

The Partnership pays special attention to improving the personnel management system, providing employees with professional development opportunities through numerous training programs, career development and social support.

Доска объявлений

Уважаемые потенциальные поставщики услуг добровольного медицинского страхования!

ТОО «Семизбай-U» информирует о том, что АО «НАК «Казатомпром» (Организатор), в рамках реализации «долгосрочных инициатив» закупочной категорийной стратегии по категории «Медицинское страхование», 14 февраля 2020 года провело конкурентные переговоры с участием потенциальных поставщиков услуг по данной категории.

Company history

LLP Semyzbay-U was founded in December 2006. The main purpose of creation of LLP Semyzbay-U is the realization of projects of development of uranium deposits Semyzbay located in the Enbekshilder District of Akmola Region.

Construction of the mine at Semyzbay field was launched in 2007, and in 2009 the first production was derived.

Since 1 November 2008, LLP "Ore Mining Company" entered  to  the participant membership of LLP Semyzbay-U by making the charter capital  of Irkol mine, located in Shiyeli District of  Kyzylorda Region.


The main activities of LLP Semizbay-U are:

1. mining and processing of uranium as well as its compounds;

2. production of uranium containing ores;

3.  product realization by the partnership output.


About company

Limited Liability Partnership Semyzbay-U ( LLP "Semyzbay-U") was established in 2006.  Date of initial registration -  Dec 12.12.2006.

The founders of LLP Semyzbay-U are JSC "NAC" Kazatomprom"(51%) and Beijing Sino-Kaz Uranium Resources Investment Company Limited (49%).

 Semyzbay-U includes:

- Mine "Semyzbay" is located in the Birzhan sal district of Akmola Region

- Affiliate "Semyzbay" is located in the Ualihanov district of North Kazakhstan Region.

- Mine "Irkol" is in-Shiyeli District of Kyzylorda Region.


Legal address: 0207000 Akmola region Birzhan sal District Stepnyak city, Birzhan sal str., 34
Actual address: 010000, 17/12 Syganak str. Z05T1X3 Astana Republic of Kazakhstan
Tel / Fax: 8-(7780960000)+40006/40000